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Ask Scott Ste Marie: How To Deepen Your Meditation Practice

Nadia K

Meet Scott Ste Marie. He’s on a mission to demystify mental health. Scott leads group meditations at the Muse HQ on Tuesday mornings, and we had a chance to sit down with him to learn more about his work and meditation practice.

Scott answered four questions about his experience with meditation.

  1. What type of meditation do you practice and why?
  2. What’s one recommendation you have for experienced meditators who want to deepen their practice?
  3. How do you create a consistent meditation practice?
  4. What is the main benefit of meditation for you?

Whether you’re an experienced meditator or novice, his insights can be integrated into your daily practice.


Q: What type of meditation do you practice, and why?

Scott: Many kinds of meditations but the one I practice the most is Walking Meditation since I’m always around the city walking.

This involves being very in tune with how you’re stepping, what you’re smelling, what you’re seeing and generally, being very in tune with the physical environment. A lot of us have a difficult time sitting for long periods of time in meditation so, walking meditation for me is a way to go deeper into my practice and to get to where I need to go at the same time.

Q: What’s one recommendation you have for experienced meditators who want to deepen their practice?

Scott: Beginners usually do Guided Meditations from different teachers and they are amazing, but to deepen your practice, I would say, sit in a very busy environment.

Try meditating at a Starbucks and sitting down eyes open or eyes closed, but see if you can really focus and centre yourself where there is noise or conversation and see how you do.



Q: How do you create a consistent meditation practice?

Scott: That’s definitely the hardest part… to make it a habit. The cool thing about humans is that you can have this projection of self into the future and see where you want to be. So, if I’m about to miss my meditative practice I always think: “Would future Scott will be pleased with me skipping a meditation?”

I always project myself into the future and that allows me to really invest in myself in the moment to then match that future ideal self.

Q: What is the main benefit of meditation for you?

Scott: To soak in the moment. I have this feeling that time slips through my fingers, it’s like – I’m getting older, what happened? Meditation for me is a time to slow down, to soak in the moment, to make time pass a little bit slower.

Deepen Your Practice

Using the Muse app – you can access hundreds of guided meditations as well as Mind, Heart, Body and Breath Meditations with the Muse Headband. Choose your length of time, soundscape, and exercise.

If you’d like to learn more about Scott Ste Marie – check out his website here.

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